As you might have noticed, it's been quite a year! And you might also know that every year, after we gather all our holiday goods and take a look, we pick a theme. We don't always share it in an outward way, but it's always there as an undercurrent as we decorate and design the shop. Past themes have included 'Sugarplum', 'Deck the Balls', and 'Pop Holiday'!
For 2020 -we feel like we are all truly in need of some good cheer! What better way to get COMFORTable & spark JOY than with a good (socially distanced) disco theme? So put on your mask, hustle on over here, and let's shop the night away!
BTW - we're working on getting lots of new fun product online, but the best way to see the most new stuff is always in store or on IG and FB. If you're not ready to shop in person yet, we've got you! Call or DM us and we'll shop by phone, text, or facetime!

Of course we wrap!
Of course we ship!
Of course we can do curbside pickup!
so long 2020! - let's send you out with a sparkle!
the lusso girls